Should I Use Toll-Free Numbers for Better Outbound Calling Success Rates?

Discover the strategic use of toll-free numbers for better outbound calling

Should I Use Toll-Free Numbers for Better Outbound Calling Success Rates?

Deciding whether your call center should use toll-free numbers for better outbound calling or stay with local numbers is a key decision when strategizing for success. Understanding when to deploy toll-free numbers for outbound calling and when not to, will impact your connect rates and overall contact efficacy.

The Appeal of Toll-Free Numbers for Better Outbound Calling

Using toll-free numbers for outbound calling has long been seen as a beacon of professionalism and reliability. They’re easy to recognize and consumers often associate them with well-established businesses. For businesses looking to cast a wider net, particularly in exurban or rural areas, toll-free numbers can enhance visibility, leading to higher connect rates in these regions.

Exurban & Rural Areas: The Ideal Setting for Toll-Free Numbers

Our clients are finding that toll-free numbers perform better in rural & exurban areas than in more urban ones. This difference is often attributed to the target audience’s perception and reception of toll-free numbers. In rural & exurban settings, where there might be a stronger sense of community and less saturation of businesses vying for attention, toll-free numbers for outbound calling still symbolizes credibility and trustworthiness. They act as an open invitation for engagement, encouraging potential customers to pick up the phone without hesitation.

Urban Areas: A Different Story

The narrative shifts when we consider urban environments. The dense, fast-paced nature of urban areas and a more diverse and tech-savvy population change the dynamics. People in urban settings are bombarded with a myriad of calls and might be more skeptical of calls received from toll-free numbers, associating them with unsolicited sales pitches or spam. Thus, utilizing local numbers for outbound calling in these regions can lead to higher engagement rates. Local numbers offer a sense of familiarity and locality, typically increasing the likelihood of calls being answered by an additional 15% to 20%.

The Verdict

The decision to use toll-free numbers for outbound calling should be influenced by your target demographic and geographic focus. While toll-free numbers can boost your brand’s image and success rates in rural & exurban areas, they tend to yield different results in urban landscapes. Here, local numbers could be your ally, breaking through the barriers of skepticism to achieve better connect rates.

The strategy behind selecting toll-free numbers for outbound calling must be nuanced and targeted. By aligning your choice of numbers with the preferences and perceptions of your intended audience, you can optimize your outreach efforts. Remember, in outbound calling, one size does not fit all. Tailoring your approach can lead to more meaningful connections and, ultimately, greater success in your calling campaigns.

With Number Sentry’s Number Defender, your calls are delivered over our one-of-a-kind advanced telecom network designed and built for the unique requirements of delivering calls for contact centers, including automatically selecting when and when not to use toll-free numbers. We ‘A’ Attest your calls, and every route your call takes to the consumer is continuously monitored and measured for quality. Our PureSIP™ AI springs into action to choose the most direct, with the highest quality that is most likely to deliver your ‘A’-attested, verified call to the consumer. Get started with Number Sentry’s Number Defender with a demo by contacting us here.




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