
Your Map to Enhanced Number Control
Number Mapper optimizes your phone numbers and your outbound calling campaigns for maximum connect rate before you start dialing
Number Lifecycle Management
and Enhanced Outbound Number Selection
Advance Your Numbers – Advance Your Business!

Number Mapper’s highly refined number management tools and outbound number selection algorithms let you modernize your phone number management and enhance your outbound number selection capabilities to maximize connect rates. We hide the hard parts behind a simple user interface, so you can focus on the other important factors that drive connect rate improvements.

Manage Your Phone Number Lifecycles
for Optimal Connect Rate

The advanced Number Lifecycle Management (NLM) toolkit included with Number Mapper gives you the tools and visibility necessary to respond to the way your calls are being presented to consumers, so you can align your number usage for maximum connect rate success.
  • Effortlessly move new or rested numbers from Pending into Ready-to-Use status once they are cleaned of labels and properly branded
  • Time to start using that new or rested number? Move it from Ready to Warm Up status. Our proprietary Warm UP algorithms will train the carrier labeling and blocking algorithms, so you can avoid new number labeling issues.
  • Numbers that complete our 3-stage Warm Up algorithms are fully optimized for outbound calling and are automatically moved into Active status for use in your calling campaigns
  • Active numbers that get too much recurring labeling over time are automatically cycled into Cool Down status – but not before you are notified to start Warming Up a similar number.
There’s no need to change or modify numbers in your dialer. Instead, this Number Lifecycle Management toolkit lets you update each number’s status to achieve your outbound calling goals.
Advanced Outbound Number Selection Algorithms
See immediate Connect Rate improvement on your outbound calling campaigns with our outbound number selection algorithms. Our connect rate scientists have spent years modeling and analyzing outbound calling campaigns and have used those learnings to develop a thorough set of outbound number selection algorithms purpose-built to optimize connect rates. These complex methods have been distilled into simple to use menus and drop-down settings easily accessible to you and your team. And they work without dialer updates!
  • Ensure you only use ‘Clean’, unlabeled numbers on each call
  • Strategically blend Local and Toll-Free number assignment – local when available, Toll-Free when optimal
  • Load balance your outbound call volume across your numbers to stay within labeling algorithm permissible usage models

We’ve done the science that ensures you get the connect rates your company needs from your outbound numbers.

Manage Your Numbers and Map Your Path to Connect Rate Growth

Sign up with Number Mapper for advanced phone number management and enhanced outbound selection designed to maximize connect rates and simplify number lifecycle management.

Learn About Our Other Solutions

Telemanagement: The Ultimate Link for Connecting Callers & Consumers

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The Number Guard Online Plan supports 45 to 120 numbers.
For information on a Custom Plan to handle more than 120 numbers, please Contact Sales 

Online Plan Size Calculator
Use the Plan Size Calculator to size your Online Plan so you only pay for what you need.

How Many Numbers do you need in your Online Plan?